Standart version

List of Authorities

Entities that are required to adopt anti-corruption programs pursuant to Article 19 of the Law of Ukraine "On Prevention of Corruption"* and information on the availability of anti-corruption programs

Pos.Name of the Autority201920202021202220232024202520262027
41НАЦІОНАЛЬНА СОЦІАЛЬНА СЕРВІСНА СЛУЖБА УКРАЇНИAuthority did not function/does not functionMissingAvailable (agreed by NACP)Available (agreed by NACP)Available (agreed by NACP)Missing
42ДЕРЖАВНА СЛУЖБА ЯКОСТІ ОСВІТИ УКРАЇНИAvailable (agreed by NACP)MissingAvailable (agreed by NACP)MissingAvailable (approved by the Authority)Available (approved by the Authority)
43ДЕРЖАВНА СЛУЖБА МОРСЬКОГО І ВНУТРІШНЬОГО ВОДНОГО ТРАНСПОРТУ ТА СУДНОПЛАВСТВА УКРАЇНИAvailable (agreed by NACP)Available (agreed by NACP)MissingMissingAvailable (approved by the Authority)Available (approved by the Authority)Available (approved by the Authority)
44ДЕРЖАВНА СЛУЖБА УКРАЇНИ З ЕТНОПОЛІТИКИ ТА СВОБОДИ СОВІСТІAuthority did not function/does not functionMissingAvailable (agreed by NACP)Available (agreed by NACP)Available (agreed by NACP)Missing
45Державне агентство відновлення та розвитку інфраструктури УкраїниAvailable (agreed by NACP)Available (agreed by NACP)Available (agreed by NACP)MissingAvailable (approved by the Authority)Available (approved by the Authority)Available (approved by the Authority)
46ДЕРЖАВНЕ АГЕНТСТВО ВОДНИХ РЕСУРСІВ УКРАЇНИAvailable (agreed by NACP)Available (agreed by NACP)MissingAvailable (approved by the Authority)Available (approved by the Authority)Missing
47ДЕРЖАВНЕ АГЕНТСТВО З ЕНЕРГОЕФЕКТИВНОСТІ ТА ЕНЕРГОЗБЕРЕЖЕННЯ УКРАЇНИAvailable (agreed by NACP)Available (agreed by NACP)Available (agreed by NACP)Available (agreed by NACP)Available (approved by the Authority)Available (approved by the Authority)Available (approved by the Authority)
48ДЕРЖАВНЕ АГЕНТСТВО ЛІСОВИХ РЕСУРСІВ УКРАЇНИAvailable (agreed by NACP)Available (agreed by NACP)MissingAvailable (approved by the Authority)Available (approved by the Authority)Missing
49ДЕРЖАВНЕ АГЕНТСТВО РЕЗЕРВУ УКРАЇНИMissingAvailable (agreed by NACP)MissingAvailable (approved by the Authority)Available (approved by the Authority)Available (approved by the Authority)
50ДЕРЖАВНЕ АГЕНТСТВО МЕЛІОРАЦІЇ ТА РИБНОГО ГОСПОДАРСТВА УКРАЇНИAvailable (agreed by NACP)Available (agreed by NACP)MissingAvailable (approved by the Authority)Available (approved by the Authority)Available (approved by the Authority)Available (approved by the Authority)Available (approved by the Authority)
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