1 | МІНІСТЕРСТВО ВНУТРІШНІХ СПРАВ УКРАЇНИ | Available (agreed by NACP) | Available (agreed by NACP) | Available (agreed by NACP) | Available (agreed by NACP) | Available (approved by the Authority) | Available (approved by the Authority) | Available (approved by the Authority) | | |
2 | МІНІСТЕРСТВО ЕНЕРГЕТИКИ УКРАЇНИ | Available (agreed by NACP) | Available (agreed by NACP) | Missing | Missing | Missing | Missing | Missing | | |
3 | МІНІСТЕРСТВО ЗАКОРДОННИХ СПРАВ УКРАЇНИ | Available (agreed by NACP) | Available (agreed by NACP) | Available (agreed by NACP) | Missing | Available (approved by the Authority) | Available (approved by the Authority) | Available (approved by the Authority) | | |
4 | МІНІСТЕРСТВО РОЗВИТКУ ГРОМАД ТА ТЕРИТОРІЙ УКРАЇНИ | Available (agreed by NACP) | Available (agreed by NACP) | Available (agreed by NACP) | Missing | Available (approved by the Authority) | Available (approved by the Authority) | Available (approved by the Authority) | | |
5 | МІНІСТЕРСТВО КУЛЬТУРИ ТА СТРАТЕГІЧНИХ КОМУНІКАЦІЙ УКРАЇНИ | Missing | Missing | Missing | Available (agreed by NACP) | Available (approved by the Authority) | Available (approved by the Authority) | Available (approved by the Authority) | | |
6 | МІНІСТЕРСТВО ОБОРОНИ УКРАЇНИ | Available (agreed by NACP) | Available (agreed by NACP) | Available (agreed by NACP) | Available (agreed by NACP) | Available (agreed by NACP) | Available (agreed by NACP) | Missing | | |
7 | МІНІСТЕРСТВО ОСВІТИ І НАУКИ УКРАЇНИ | Available (agreed by NACP) | Available (agreed by NACP) | Available (agreed by NACP) | Available (agreed by NACP) | Available (agreed by NACP) | Available (approved by the Authority) | Available (approved by the Authority) | Available (approved by the Authority) | |
8 | МІНІСТЕРСТВО ОХОРОНИ ЗДОРОВ'Я УКРАЇНИ | Available (agreed by NACP) | Available (agreed by NACP) | Missing | Available (approved by the Authority) | Available (approved by the Authority) | Available (approved by the Authority) | Missing | | |
9 | МІНІСТЕРСТВО РОЗВИТКУ ГРОМАД ТА ТЕРИТОРІЙ УКРАЇНИ | Available (agreed by NACP) | Available (agreed by NACP) | Available (agreed by NACP) | Missing | Authority did not function/does not function | | Missing | | |
10 | МІНІСТЕРСТВО ЕКОНОМІКИ УКРАЇНИ | Missing | Missing | Missing | Available (agreed by NACP) | Available (agreed by NACP) | Available (approved by the Authority) | Available (approved by the Authority) | Available (approved by the Authority) | |